Okay! We are almost done doing fractions, and now we have to review what we learned during the course of Fractions!
Okay first, what the heck is a fraction? We been doing this for weeks and we should be able to explain what a fraction is. A fraction has a numerator and a denominator, the numerator shows how many parts or pieces you have and the denominator expresses how many equal parts there are in a whole. There are 3 types of Fractions, an improper fraction, mixed number and a proper fraction. For example I will show you a picture of a mixed number.

Adding Fractions: When adding fractions, you must have same size equal pieces! To do that you must find a common denominator or cross multiply.. Heres are 3 examples of adding fractions:
Remember to also simplify your answer but since 7 is a prime thats about it for the answer. Remember if you answer is a improper fraction, you must simplify it to a mixed number.
Okay lets do another example..
Since the other denominator is 4, you don't have to do anything to it. Also try thinking it like money! Now for my final example(:
Okay now for Subtracting Fractions: Subtracting Fractions is like the same thing as adding but your just doing the opposite. You also need to find a common denominator when your subtracting, then you can subtract your fractions.
Now for another example:
Now for another example with mixed numbers:
Now for multiplying fractions! It's very easy, you just need to remember multiply the numerator and denominator and simplify after! When multiplying mixed numbers just change them to improper and do the same steps from before!

Okay lets do another example..

Heres an example:
Heres another example:
Heres another example with mixed numbers:
Now for division! There are three ways you can divide fractions. First of all, you can draw a picture to represent the fractions and divide them but it takes time. Another thing you can do is make a ratio table. To use the ratio table, we place the fraction that is being divided on the left side of the table, and the divisor fraction on the right side of the table. Then you mutliply or divide to make the fraction on the right a whole number. And you will have your answer. You can also use the reciprocal, which is less time consuming. All you have to do turn the second fraction upside down, and multiply.
Now for 3 examples of dividing fractions:

And finally Reciprocal..
Now for 2 word problems:

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Now for division! There are three ways you can divide fractions. First of all, you can draw a picture to represent the fractions and divide them but it takes time. Another thing you can do is make a ratio table. To use the ratio table, we place the fraction that is being divided on the left side of the table, and the divisor fraction on the right side of the table. Then you mutliply or divide to make the fraction on the right a whole number. And you will have your answer. You can also use the reciprocal, which is less time consuming. All you have to do turn the second fraction upside down, and multiply.
Now for 3 examples of dividing fractions:

And finally Reciprocal..

Thanks for viewing my post! Comment and tell me if I made any mistakes, well bye!
Thank you so much for sharing this post on how to add and subtract fractions. You have explained it in a very understandable manner. I have been searching reading a lot of ways to add and subtract fractions and encountered only two ways. First is you used the LCM. This is best for smaller fractions. The other is to use butterfly method where you have to cross multiply the fractions. This method is best for bigger fractions and those that has no LCM. If you have doubt you can check your answers using fraction calculator with whole numbers. The step by step solution provided by the fraction calculator will let you guide if you miss a single step. Again thanks for sharing for this valuable information.
March 1, 2020 at 6:41 PM