Lara's Measures of Central Tendency, mmm

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
-arrange data in ascending order
-the sum of all data

-great to use if there is an outlier
-Find middle number
-data must be arranged in numerical order
-if there are 2 middle numbers,you find the mean of them

-Find the most common number in the set of data
-arrange data in ascending order
-you can have more then one mode or you can have no mode

-arrange the data in ascending order
-subtract the smallest data from the largest data
-Large Range=Outlier

Here is a video i found on mean, median, and mode !

Jai's Measures of Central Tendancy


  • Arrange data in ascendeing numerical order.

  • Divide the sum of all of the numbers in that set of data by how many numbers there are.
  • With an outlier less accurate..

  • Arrange data in ascending numerical order.
  • Find the middle number by crossing of the end numbers until you have one or two numbers left.
  • If you have two numbers left, add both of those numbers together and then divide that number by two.

  • If you have one more number left, you have got your median.
  • Great to use if there is an outlier.


  • Arrange data in ascending numerical order.
  • You can have more than one mode or no mode at all.


  • Arrange data in ascending numerical number.
  • Subtract the largest piece of dat from the smallest.
  • If you have a large range there is a posibility that you have an outlier.

This is a video that I found about mean, medain, mode, and range.

Breann's 3 m's

Monday, September 29, 2008
  • ascending order

  • sum of all the data

  • number of data


  • ascending numerical order

  • the middle number

  • found in the middle


  • ascending order

  • most common number

  • number that shows up the most


  • ascending order

  • added up numbers

  • divided

Here is a movie about mean median mode

Tanners mean, median and mode

  • the sum of all data devided by the number of data
  • outlier effects the outcome

This is a link about the mean


  • the middle number of a set of data
  • there are two middle numbers find the mean of the numbers

This is a link about median


  • the number that shows up the most

there can be more than one or no mode

This is a link about mode


  • the largestest data minus the smallest data
  • an outlier effects the outcome

This is a link about range

Johnray measures of central Tendancy.


  • The sum of a set of values divided by the number of values in the set.
  • Arrange the data in ascending order.


  • The middle number in a set of data after have been arranged in order.
  • The median is a measure of central tendency that describes the middle of the set
    of data.


  • The mode is the most frequently occurring value in a set of data.
  • The item in a list of numbers that appears most often is the mode. For example:


  • The range of a set of data is the difference between the highest and lowest values in the set.
  • Range is obtained by taking the difference of the maximum and minimum values of a given data set.

kimmy's measures of central tendency

mean (:

arrange the data in ascending order

the sum of the numbers divided by how many numbers there are in the data

number of data

with an outlier the mean is less accurate " average"


arrange the data in ascending order

the middle number in the set of data

if there are 2 middle numbers you find the mean of them

great to use if there is an outlier


arrange the data in ascending order

the most frequently used number in the data

you can have more then 1 mode and no mode


arrange the data in ascending order

subtract the smallest data from the largest data

large range = outlier

Alyanna's Measure of Central Tendency


- arrange the data in ascending order
- the sum of numbers divided by how many numbers there are in the data- w/ an outlier the mean is less accurate "average"

- arrange the data in ascending order
- the middle number in a set of data
- if there are 2 middle numbers you find the mean of them
- great to use if there is an outlier


- arrange the data in ascending order
- most frequently used number in the data
- you can have more then one more or NO mode

- arrange the data in ascending order
- subtract the smallest number from the biggest number
- outlier = biggest number

Here is a video of Mean Median and Mode ..

Josh T's Measures of Central Tendency


  • all the numbers added together and divided by the numbers i

  • good way to find the average


  • the most occurring number in the set of data

  • easy way to find the average if most are the same number


  • the exact middle number

  • good way to find the average if there is an outlier


  • the biggest number subtracted by the lowest number in the set of data

  • it helps find the middle number in between those two numbers

Here is a video i found on mean, median, and mode.

Linda's Measures Of Central Tendency

Sunday, September 28, 2008
-Arrange the data in ascending order

-Add all the data and divide by how many pieces of data there are

-When an outliers are present, it makes the mean less accurate

-You must arrange the data in ascending order

-Find the number in the middle number

-If there are 2 numbers in the middle, add them, then divide by 2

-Using the median is appropriate if there are outliers present because it gets rid of them



-Arrange the data in ascending order
The most frequently occurring number in a set of data

-There can be more than one mode

-There can be no mode at all

-You must arrange the data in ascending order

-Subtract the smallest data from the biggest data

-Range tells you if there are outliers

-The smaller the range, the less chance there is of being outliers present

Here is a video of Mean Median and Mode...

Kevin's Measures of Central Tendency

  • Arrange in ascending order
  • Add all the data together, then divide the sum by the number of data
  • If there is an outlier in the data, it is not as accurate

  • Arrange in ascending order
  • Find the middle number
  • If there are two middle numbers, add them up and divide them in half
  • It is better to use the median than the mean when there is an outlier, because the median will cross it out

  • Arrange in ascending order
  • Find the number that occurs most
  • There can be more than one mode
  • There can also be no mode

  • Arrange in numerical order
  • Subtract the smallest data from the largest data
  • If the range is big, it can tell you that there probably is an outlier

Here is a video I found about MMM

Jowella's Measures of Central Tendency

  • Arrange the data in ascending order.
  • Add up all of the data, and divide the sum by how many set of data there are.
  • With an outlier the mean is a less "average".


  • Arrange the datas in ascending order.
  • find the data that is in the middle.
  • If there are 2 middle numbers, you ave to find the mean of the two datas.
  • The median is great to use if there is an outlier.


  • Arrange the data in ascending order.
  • Look for the data that shows up the most common.
  • You can have more than one mode.
  • You can have no mode.


  • Arrange the data in ascending order.
  • Subtract the smallest data from the largest data.
  • Large range = outlier.

Here is a video about Mean, Median, Mode, and Range.

Robin's Measures of Central Tendancy


  • Arrange the data in ascending order

  • The sum of all data divided by the number of data

  • with an outlier the mean is less accurrate "average"


  • Arrange data in ascending order Find the middle number
    If there are 2 middle numbers you have to find the mean of them

  • Great to use if there is an outlier


  • Arrange data in ascending order Find the data that occurs the most

  • You can have more than one mode

  • You can have no mode


  • Arrange data in ascending order

  • Subtract the smallest number from the largest number

  • Large=Outlier

Here is a video i found about Mean , Median , and Mode

Liem's Measures of Central Tendency

  • Arrange Data in ascending order
  • The sum of all data divided by the number of data
  • With an outlier the mean is a less accurate "average"
  • The middle number in a data set once arranged in ascending order.
  • Find the middle number.
  • There can be 2 middle medians, you have to find the mean of them.
  • More accurate then mean if the data has a outlier.
  • Great to use if there is an outlier.
  • Uses all numbers to find the the middle.
  • Arranged in order, ascending order.
  • The most common number in a set of data.
  • There can be more then 1 mode.
  • There can be no mode.

  • Arrange in ascending order(optional)
  • Subtract highest number to lowest number.
  • Big range=Outlier
This is my video of MMM

Courtney's Measure of Central Tendency

- Arrange in ascending order.
- Add all the numbers.
- Then the number you got divide by.
how many numbers are in the data.
- With an outlier the mean is less accurate "average".

Median - Arrange in ascending order/numerical order.
- Middle number in data.
- Great to use if there is an outlier.
- Arrange the data in ascending order.
- There can be more then 1 mode.
- The data that appears the most.
- You can have no mode.
- Arrange the data in ascending order.
- Subtract the smallest data from the largest number.
- Large range = outliers.

Here is a video of mean median and mode..