Monday, October 13, 2008
Gumball Machine !

There is 1 Red, 2 Greens, 3 Yellows, and 4 Blues.

Define Theoritical Probability

Theoritical Probability is what should happen.

Red 1 - 10% Green 2 - 20% Yellow 3 - 30% Blue 4 - 40%

Define Experimental Probabiltity
Experimental Probability is what really happens.

Red 14/100 Green 26/100 Yellow 28/100 Blue 32/100

* The more you experiment the close you get to theoritical probability.

Which Italian Insects Often Fall in Love?

1. Each time you spin this spinner how many likely outcomes are there?
likely outcomes = TOTAL POSSIBLE OUTCOMES = 10

2. Find each probability if you spin the spinner once.
a. P(even number)

= 4/10 because in the spinner they're are 4 even numbers and the total possible outcome is 10. You can also say 2/5 because it is the same as 4/10 it is just simplified. You can get 2/5 by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2. Lastly, you can say 40% because that is the percent of the fraction. You get that by dividing 4 and 10 which equals 0.4 then you x it by 100 and it will = 40%.
b. P(odd number)
= 5/10 because in the spinner they're are 5 odd numbers and the total possible outcome is 10. You can also say 1/2 because it is the same as 5/10 it is just simplified. You can get 1/2 by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2. Lastly, you can also say 50% because that is the percent of the fraction. You get that by dividing 5 and 10 which equals 0.5 then you x it by 100 and it will = 50%.
c. P("A")
= 1/10 because in the spinner there is only one "A" and the total possible outcome is 10. You can also say 10% because that is the percent of the fraction. You get that by dividing 1 and 10 which equals 0.1 then you x it by 100 and it will = 40%.

3. If you spin the spinner 100 times, about how many times would you expect it to stop on:
a. an even number b. an odd number.
It will be 50 for both, because it is based on 100 and there is only two possible outcomes. You get 50 by dividing 100 by 2 and it will equal 50.

Next Scriber : Erika Espaldon :)


  1. SupahJoshiee said...

    nice blog !! (posted on urs cuz first i saw and so early cuz i jus woke up and cant sleep

    October 14, 2008 at 4:46 AM  

  2. Jowella 8-17 said...

    Good job! Thanks for the scribe.

    October 14, 2008 at 8:44 PM  

  3. Austin 9-05 said...

    Goood Joob Alyanna!:) keep it up.

    October 15, 2008 at 8:11 PM  

  4. Anonymous said...

    Wow really good aly!!

    October 15, 2008 at 8:53 PM  

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